Changing the World from the Inside Out: A Jewish Approach to Personal and Social Change
Bringing positive social change to any system takes deep self-awareness, caring, courage, and long-term commitment. But polarization, the slow pace of change, and internal conflicts among activists and organizations often leads to burnout and discouragement among the very people needed to make a difference. Changing The World From The Inside Out distills centuries of Jewish wisdom about cultivating and refining the inner life into an accessible program for building the qualities necessary to accomplish sustainable change. Through explorations of deep motivation, inner-drive, and traits like trust and anger, this book engages the reader in a journey of self-development and -transformationNdemonstrating that sustainable activism is indeed a spiritual practice.
The author offers a program of practices drawn from the Mussar tradition, in which you systematically take stock of your reactions, emotions, motivations, and behavior on a daily basis, using Jewish texts and contemplations as a springboard. Part of the beauty of Mussar practice is that it shows how ordinary life provides the ideal circumstances for refining ourselvesNright in the middle of the choices and challenges of everyday living. This book helps the reader engage in a spiritual journey of self-development and social transformation that he or she can take into the public realm.