Breathe Like a Badass

This practical handbook teaches you how to startand stick to a non-woo-woo, scientifically based, zero-BS meditation habit thatyou can turn to again and again when life and work gets tough.

Qualified meditation teacher and certified lifecoach Hannah Jane Thompson has been practicing meditation for over 11 years,after discovering the difference it made to her own life. As an ambitious butchronically anxious journalist, Hannah suppressed all feelings of not being’good enough’ until one day she was hit with chronic depression, anxiety, andpanic attacks. At her absolute lowest point, she discovered meditation, and itquite literally saved her life. Breath by breath, meditation taught her tostop, breathe, accept who she was, and question those negative thoughts andtransform them into something a little more kind, positive, and mindfullyproductive.

Drawing on her own story, herteaching practice and experiences of her clients, Hannah shows you how toharness the power of meditation. Covering everything from comparison and officepolitics to body image and relationships, Breathe Like a Badass is your no-BSguide to creating a life-changing, burnout-busting emotional toolbox of yourown.

Breathe Like a Badass