Archangel Michael Empowerment Cards

Empowering Oneself through Daily Guidance – Enlightenment, Strength, Inspiration and Reassurance

* Do you want the ability to empower yourself?

* Do you want a unique way to help overcome hurdles, fears and challenges that you face?

* Do you want an easy to use and understand solution to know you are on the right track?

* Do you want reassurance that everything will be Ok?

If you answered YES to any or all of the statements then, this POWERFUL and UNIQUE Ebook has all the answers you seek!

A gift from Archangel Michael, through me to YOU.

This deck includes 52 beautiful Empowerment cards all channeled directly from Archangel Michael. Its a powerful tool through which healing can occur at a deep level.

Healing starts with YOU and these cards can assist you on your journey of self-discovery with love, compassion, understanding and wisdom.

Archangel Michael is known as Gods chief angel and his name means who is like God. He guards us all against the effects of fear and fear-based energies. He is our supreme and loving protector.

These cards have been designed for everyone of all ages & all religions. You dont have to be a psychic to understand the meanings of these cards because they were created for everyone to use.

By working with these cards you will bring positive changes into your life and into the lives of those around you.

BE still, READ the words and LISTEN to the messages you receive thats when the HEALING happens.

Following the 52 cards is the story of how the cards were created which will give you an insight into the world of Liz Mulheron, a Sydney based Energy Healer, Psychic, Mystic, Business and Life coach.

Lizs ability is truly unique. She sees and understands what others cant, which is the gift she has been given to assist those who ask her for guidance and healing. A conversation with Liz will change your life in a positive, uplifting and inspiring way.

A message from Liz to YOU

As a Mystic Im blessed and extremely grateful to have the unique ability to assist others with my visions, thoughts and words to unravel the mystery of life. My calling in life is to make a positive difference to everyone I meet.

In 2015 I had a personal challenge which needed medical intervention; this is when Archangel Michael stepped forward to share his Empowerment and Healing words to assist me on my healing journey. Through that process these beautiful and powerful cards were created with all the words channeled directly from Archangel Michael himself.

Then in 2020 change happened and I was guided to expand his wisdom by offering an Ebook version of his guidance.

Working alongside Archangel Michael on a daily basis I feel very blessed and honoured to bring his guidance to life by creating these life changing cards for you.

Working with these cards you will bring positive changes into your life. You are a powerful instrument for change and I urge you to rediscover your true power to manifest change and inspire others.

Nothing is by chance as were always guided to what we need, when the time is perfect. These cards are perfectly timed for you and Im sure will become a positive tool to assist you for many years to come.

Angel Blessings

Archangel Michael Empowerment Cards
Archangel Michael Empowerment Cards
Archangel Michael Empowerment Cards
Archangel Michael Empowerment Cards