Amazing Human Body Detectives
A new interactive illustrated approach suitable for 5 years upwards.
Our body is an amazing thing and there’s so much to discover about it than meets the eye. this is a fun and informative insight into the inner and outer world of our bodies. No nook and cranny is left undiscovered, no goosebump left unexplored. We all know that we all have unique fingerprints, but did you know that we also have a unique tongue print? Did you know that when you are awake, the human brain has enough electricity whizzing about to power a lightbulb? Our eyelashes have little creatures living on them – come and take a look at them!
Following on from BUG DEtECtIVE, BODY DEtECtIVE follows the same interesting, fun and informative look at different parts of the body. Hidden elements appear on every page making this interactive and enjoyable. there are lots of body books out there that treat the subject in a fairly serious manner.
This book takes a more lighthearted approach, introducing fun and humor; don’t misunderstand the book though – true facts, myths and quirks of our bodies will all be covered in an all-round excellent read.