1 001 Home Remedies

Simple, practical, and inspiring wellness advice for every woman.

Self-care can sometimes feel like an elusive concept. We all know we need to be better about prioritizing self-care, but what does that actually mean? This practical and inspiring little book offers over 1,000 wellness tips that range from natural remedies to ways to improve your memory to caring for hair and nails to reducing stress.

  • To relieve a dry, irritating cough: to 1/3 pt (200ml) boiling water, add the juice of 1 lemon, 2 tsp honey, tsp cinnamon, 1 clove garlic, and a sprig of rosemary. Stir well, cover and leave for 15 mins. Strain and sip slowly.
  • Sit down at the dining table rather than in front of the television to eat; you will pay more attention to the plate of food.
  • Don’t compete with your friends, neighbours or work-mates. Be your own person and live your life accordingly.
  • To relieve tension in the upper body, sit cross-legged, block the ears with your fingers. Breathe in, then breathe out making a humming sound to lengthen the exhalation. Repeat 10 times before going to bed.
  • To remove makeup, coat the fingers with almond, sunflower, or avocado oil and spread evenly over the face and neck. Remove the oil with tissues.
  • Saturate a black tea bag with warm water. Press over clean lips for 5 minutes. Repeat if desired. Black tea is high in tannic acid, retains moisture, and keeps lips smooth and taut.
  • To give hair a shine, mash an over-ripe banana; combine with 3 drops of almond oil. Massage into dry hair, leave on for 15 minutes. Shampoo as usual.

Many of the hints found here are the product of tradition passed from one generation to another. They cover advice on care of the body from head to toe, beauty treatments, habit control, guidelines for diet and fitness, a common sense approach to first aid and using medicines, and a glossary of beauty terms. Complete with lovely color illustrations throughout, this book makes a lovely gift for any woman.

1 001 Home Remedies