DEAL for Happier Healthier Smarter Kids
The biggest health issue facing Australia is the health of our kids. Unless we take action right now this generation of kids will be the first to die at a younger age than their parents. Kids today suffer from the highest rates of obesity, asthma, ADHD, depression and suicide ever seen in human history. The problem however, stems form a combination of factors in our diet, environment, attitude and lifestyle and therefore so does the solution.
This book provides families with an essential guide to improve the mental and physical health of children (and parents). It provides a step by step guide for kids and parents to take control of their own lives and health. Starting with understanding how we think and the fact that the habits we develop as kids will stay with us for life.
The problems start with some of the misconceptions we learn about diet such as the role of dairy products, and our consumption of soft drinks, food additives and a junk food in causing poor health. These misconceptions continue into our lifestyles which are dominated by a media that encourages a sedentary lifestyle and negative attitudes.
This book is a one stop HEALTH shop for kids and family health.