Brickman’s Family Challenge Book: 30 amazing LEGO brick challenges for all ages and abilities
Challenge each member of your household to a building competition that is the brainchild of Brickman himself, star judge of smash hit TV show LEGO Masters and a LEGO Certified Professional. Each of the 30 challenges can be attempted at beginner, intermediate or advanced levels. So whether you’re 5 or 105, an infrequent brick builder or a huge LEGO fan, these challenges will get you off the screens, and your creative juices flowing with even the most basic of LEGO collections.
- Maze runner: build a maze for a marble with obstacles and design themes.
- Get crazy: roll a die to determine which hybrid model you need to build in under 2 hours – Supersonic Banana Plane, anyone
- Self-portrait: one of the hardest things to build with LEGO is curves, but Brickman helps you crack the techniques for building a recognisable 3D portrait of yourself.
Hundreds of pro tips, suggestions for ways to level up your builds as well as a ‘know your bricks’ glossary will turn you into a Master LEGO Builder in no time.
Is your family up for the challenge?